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Euclid Financial Services Announces Retirement Factory Radio Show
Euclid Financial Services Announces Retirement Factory Radio Show
The Retirement Factory has begun airing a radio program on AM790 WPRV Saturdays at 9:00 am and AM920 WHJJ Sundays at 7:00 am. In an effort to assist those preparing for retirement, this show highlights what listeners should know before they retire and how to best reach financial retirement goals.
East Providence, RI (April 14, 2016) – The experienced team of financial retirement specialists at Euclid Financial Services has been syndicated. The Retirement Factory has begun airing a radio program on AM790 WPRV Saturdays at 9:00 am and AM920 WHJJ Sundays at 7:00 am. In an effort to assist those preparing for retirement, this show highlights what listeners should know before they retire and how to best reach financial retirement goals. The show is designed to get listeners to and through their entire retirement the way they believe it should be done.
Joshua Wells, president and founder of Euclid Financial Services LLC, is pleased that he now has a new way to educate Verizon and Eversource employees as well as union members and those approaching retirement: “We are constantly talking to our clients and each other about these topics. Sometimes it’s easiest to explain when we put a fun analogy or story behind it. We’ve just taken what we already do and broadcasted it out for other people to hear and hopefully utilize. There’s really nothing like this format in Southern New England so we felt there was a huge opportunity to seize.”
Wells and his team have designed a state-of-the art-radio studio in their East Providence office. The studio is complete with four microphones, television cameras and a complete recording system.
“With the studio right here, we aren’t too far out of our element,” said Wells, adding, “We are fully licensed financial specialists by trade, not disc jockeys, so we felt that keeping it in house would have everyone in the right mindset to talk about what they know best.”
Topics discussed on-air range from how to prepare different retirement strategies, to which pension options make the most sense in different situation. With the goal of simplifying complex retirement problems, Retirement Factory aims to educate listeners and better prepare them for what lies ahead.
The Retirement Factory airs at on AM790 WPRV Saturdays at 9:00 am and AM920 WHJJ Sundays at 7:00 am. Euclid’s team has been preparing for the launch of the program for months: “I can’t say it’s been easy but the show has been the highlight of my work week. What really makes it all worthwhile is when a listener receives sound financial direction. That’s the goal of our show and that’s what keeps us going,” said Wells.
About Joshua Wells:
Joshua “Josh” Wells, President:
Retirement expert, Joshua J. Wells, is the President of Euclid Financial Services LLC. He specializes in the fields of retirement income, wealth preservation, and estate planning. He has helped hundreds of individuals retire successfully using principals he established with his planning process. Josh works strictly with retirees who have over $250,000 in investable assets.
Education & Achievements:
Josh graduated from Johnson and Wales University with BS degrees in Business Management and Psychology. He is a licensed insurance agent and holds life and health licenses in 17 states. Josh has been in the industry since 1999 and founded Euclid Financial Services in 2008 which has grown to a top 30 producing firm nationwide for retirement planning.
Josh hosts a weekly radio show, The Retirement Factory, which addresses all aspects of transitioning to and through retirement. The goal of the Retirement Factory is to show people what they can get from retirement and not just have a retirement. The show covers such comprehensive planning topics as healthcare, income, Social Security, and retirement.
About Euclid Financial Services, LLC:
Euclid Financial Services is located in East Providence, RI and currently manages over $100 million in assets. Euclid works with utility companies’ employees and high net-worth retirees living in New England. The firm specializes in customizing asset strategies to help retirees navigate a complicated and ever-changing investment landscape.
For more information on Euclid Financial Services, LLC visit