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Ribbon cutting slated for Aug. 24 at MacColl
For Immediate Release
August 16, 2012
LINCOLN – MacColl YMCA personnel and local and state dignitaries will mark the opening of new fitness and wellness facilities at a ribbon cutting scheduled for 10:30 a.m. on Aug. 24.
The ceremony at 32 Breakneck Hill Road will signify the end of construction and preparation of MacColl’s new multi-million dollar, 52,000-square-foot facility conveniently located near Route 146. Touted as northeast Rhode Island’s premier health and fitness center, the facility will give the YMCA the ability to increase its family friendly programming and employ more full-time and part-time employees during these tenuous economic times.
MacColl’s new two-story, year-round, handicapped accessible facility contains a swimming center, with a six-lane pool and an outdoor air ventilation system that will keep the chlorine odor extremely low and air quality very high for added comfort.
Other new features at MacColl include:
• An adventure center, with a 30-foot high climbing wall.
• A full gymnasium, with a high school size basketball court, four cross half courts and two volleyball courts.
• A fitness center equipped with free weights, weight training machines, treadmills, bicycles, elliptical machines and other apparatus.
• Rooms for yoga, aerobics and dance classes.
• Interconnected activity rooms for youth programs and birthday parties.
• Five locker rooms for men, women, boys and girls; and a 10-room family changing area.
Following the ribbon cutting, there will be a reception in the lobby of the building, tours will be conducted and children attending MacColl dance and cheerleading summer camps will perform.